Sale no: 2188475
Sale closed
Catalogue and Bidding available from 31 Oct 24 8.30 AM AEDT
Delivery time frames will depend on your location, please check the shipping calculator to see an estimate of when you can typically expect to receive your goods based on your postcode.
We will send you an email notifying you as soon as your items have left our warehouse.
In this email, you will find the name of the courier company and the consignment note number of your item as well as information on tracking the delivery of your item online. Simply follow the link and enter your reference number. You will then be able to quickly and efficiently track the delivery status of your item!
Please Note: Your goods will be delivered to your registered address. We do delivery Australia wide except for a few remote territories, please check the shipping calculator to confirm delivery availability and timeframes.
Your item will be repaired, replaced or refunded, at our option, if it is found to be defective - exclusive of damage caused by improper or unreasonable use.
Warranty does not apply to normal wear, including scratching or accidental breakage.
Product details, images and line drawings may vary depending on installation and specific product models. Information provided is only a representation of the products available. To the extent permitted by law the vendor will not be liable for any loss or damage to furniture, floor coverings, walls, fixtures or any other consequential loss of any kind caused by any defect in the product or components.
The vendor reserves the right to provide minor components (eg. handles, aerators, buttons, dress rings, hinges, clips, rod & washers) as parts only to the customer who is responsible for their installation. The vendor will not be liable for any claims for labour, additional products or parts associated with a faulty product.
The warranty period starts from date of purchase. To make a warranty claim, proof of purchase, is required.
This product must be installed by a licensed plumber or installer.
The warranty shall be void for the following reasons:
We accept the following methods of Payment:
Credit Card
EFT (Direct Deposit)
Cash, Bank Cheques and Personal Cheques are not accepted payment methods.
Please see below for further information: